N Gauge Layouts – Tips and Tricks
for Making Scenery At Home

Foam Board
Foam board is one of the most versatile and cheapest materials that you can use for building your model train scenery at home. Foam board, commonly called pink board, can be easily bought in large sheets as insulation. It is easy to work with and inexpensive, which makes it ideal to be used for building terrain in a model train layout. It can be use to make mountains, railroad tunnels, and cliff sides. You can easily find cutting tools for foam board and you can glue it together easily with white glue.
Go For the Natural Look
It is not necessary that you buy readymade accessories for you layout. The best way to give your layout a realistic look is to use natural things when building your model train layout. For example; to make ground cover you can use natural sand instead of artificial sand. This will not only save money but it will also make an excellent ground cover for your layout. One thing to watch for is chemical or elements in materials that could corrode or rust tracks. Track rust or electrical wire corrosion is definitely something to avoid when running model trains.
To make ground cover you can also your tea and coffee grinds to get the effect of sand or dirt. Lichen and moss can be used to make real looking shrubs and bushes. You can make a tree out of small tree twigs. It is all about how you organize and use your resources and how creative you can get with the materials that you have.
By using the resources wisely and preserving every little thing, you can create beautiful scenery for your N gauge layout at home without spending too much money. Once you have a layout you can start enjoying the challenges that model railroading has to offer. If you don’t want to start from stratch, there are many places (including eBay) where you can find completed or partially completed N gauge layouts for sale at reasonable prices.